Joro healthcare helps create care pathways and chat groups between organizations and their patients to keep them informed and to improve communications

  • Revolutionary App designed by health care professionals to create HIPAA compliant communication system
  • Special considerations for patients in institutional settings like nursing homes and assisted living facilities
  • Patient centered approach gives the ability to use same app in multiple clinical settings and organizations
  • Use one app for multiple family members for easy access
  • Created to prevent frivolous lawsuits, its use will simply eliminate the idea of “NEGLECT BY THE FACILITY”
  • Meets HIPAA AND HITECH requirements
  • Stay Informed, Connected and Protected always
  • Ability to create chat groups to have multiple family members notified at the same time
  • Designed to improve patient satisfaction scores, much needed in today’s Medicare ratings for healthcare institutions
  • Prevent 30 day Re-hospitalization by improving communication and patient expectations
  • Save staff and patient (patient’s family) time by reducing phone calls
  • ONE APP DOES ALL. It is NEW, UNIQUE, HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, SECURE AND EFFICIENT, meeting the demands of the future

Nursing Facility

These days Long term care facilities are facing many challenges. Despite all the hurdles, we still see dedicated team members trying to do a great job in providing care in the long term care setting. However, when it comes to communicating with the families or responsible parties of the patients, sometimes it is limited to notification of adverse events only. Unfortunately, even under those situations, getting hold of a family member can be challenging due to the availability of family members or even partly due to tight daily routines of the nursing staff, sometimes requiring multiple phone call messages before an actual conversation.

All these factors leave a negative impact on the relationship between the nursing facilities and the families of the patients. Making long term care a bed of high liability.
However, imagine how much communication will improve if a family member or a responsible party is able to receive HIPAA compliant messaging on their loved ones instantly. Think about families getting an update on their rehab progress, a picture of them playing a bingo game or just simply sitting in a chair.

JORO Healthcare app is a HIPAA compliant universal communication portal. It can create an easy connection between the facilities and patient families and friends, hence refining their communication, leading to a positive relationship and hence improved satisfaction.

With efficient communication, JORO healthcare app will help the facilities save valuable staff time and resources. JORO will also keep proof of the communication in case of any unexpected scenario.

Being a universal app JORO healthcare app will stay with the patient, even after their discharge from the facility giving you the ability to communicate with the patient, which can help build future relationships or simply to remind about an upcoming survey.


Care coordination is one of the biggest challenges in today’s healthcare. Hospitals are facing many challenges including safe discharges, patient satisfaction, and length of stay. Communication with the post-acute care team and family. Joro healthcare provides the platform to facilitate optimum HIPAA complete communication to save time, resources, improve patient satisfaction and improve care outcomes.

Home Health Agencies

As we know patient satisfaction is one of the biggest challenges facing home health industry being one of the essential pillars of the five star rating system. Keeping patients and their families informed with the progress will increase patient satisfaction. Joro healthcare will improve patient communication and improve patient satisfaction. It can even send reminder for post discharge survey.

Joro Healthcare gives you the ability to be in contact with your loved ones when you needed the most
